
Ok so before I do or say anything else today I want to say thank you thank you thank you to all my wonderful followers and browsers of CaraLoren’.  I am so lucky to get so many sweet comments, suggestions and questions from everyone.  You all are the reason why I want to continue CaraLoren’ and why i have such a passion for it!   
Sorry sorry enough of the mushy stuff, now onto this outfit. I had been searching for a two toned jacket forever and as you all know I didn’t really want to pay an arm and a leg for it.  I was just about to give up when out of nowhere this little treasure came into my life.  Looking at it on the hanger I was like yeah it’s cute, but it is going to be cute on… was even cuter.  Sorry that was a lot of cutes but that’s exactly what was in my head at the time.  The best part about it was it was only $25! It pretty much felt like I was stealing this beaut right of the shelf it was so amazing.  So if you have been in the same pickle as me and have been searching for a two toned jacket, go check out Forever21! I mean they usually have everything but I still was shocked they had this.  So get there soon before they are gone!
Who would have thought that i would pair it with none other than……a band t! haha ok i should probably slow down on them but i might be a little obsessed so let’s just say it’s not going to happen anytime soon! Sorry if you hate them…..but how could you!? 

top: Urban Outfitters

similar here
skirt: Forever21 (old)
similar here
jacket: Forever21
(gone online, so get in store NOW)
boots: Nordstrom
hair accessory: Urban Outfitters
bracelets: H&M, charlotte Russe
glasses: Jessica Simpson
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