Skin Care

Ok so I want to begin this post by saying it is almost silly how simple this post is going to be but I have had a bunch of requests for my skin-care routine so I thought I would let you in on my not so little secret.

Patricia Wexler Anti-Aging Cleanser
I have used this face wash since high school, it works for me so why change?  I love the way it feels on my skin, so silky and soft and never feels irritating.   They sell this at Bath & Body Works or Victoria Secret online. 

Patricia Wexler Skin Regenerating Serum
They also have this amazing skin regenerating serum that I love to use!  It’s a little more pricey but feels amazing on your skin.

Cetaphil Face Lotion
This is going to sound so silly but yet again I have probably used this one since junior high haha I know there are like miracle face lotions out there, it just hasn’t been something that I want to spend tons of money on because I have found nothing wrong with my boring old Cetaphil.

You can also do a simple/gentle face scrub or sugar scrub on your face or whatever you have found to work!  I like doing a lite scrub every couple weeks because my skin in more on the dryer side and hate that feeling of flakey skin on my face.

**just so you know, this is not a sponsored post

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