The Perfect Chicago

We just got home from Chicago last night and man, do I love Chi-town! I had never been there before and I loved every moment of it.  We got lucky and had pretty amazing weather, which from what I understand was a big deal.  We walked around all day to explore and Hanes was such a little trooper…..let’s just say he is definitely a city boy.  We visited as many places as we could, sometimes it got a little tough having a 2 year-old and being 28 weeks pregnant, but we made it work.  I would go back to Chicago in a heartbeat and I’m so grateful Mia Bossi and Fashion-a-holic gave me this first opportunity!  I will make sure to do a post about the Spring Fashion Brunch that I co-hosted, it was quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever attended. 

P.S. I wanted to give you all a heads up that my swimsuits that I co-designed, plus many more from Kingdom & State will be restocked on Monday so don’t miss out! Last time they sold out really quick and I had a lot of emails asking about restocking so your chance is now. 

dress: Gap (on sale)
cardigan: Nordstrom (old) similar
shoes: Kenneth Cole (different color) best buy of the summer so far
bag: Rebecca Minkoff
sunnies: c/o Windsor

Hanes’ outfit:
top: c/o Ladida
pants: c/o Mini Mioche
shoes: Converse

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