Meaningful Beauty

I am asked often about my skin regimen and facial products that I love, and one of them that has moved into a definite favorite is my Meaningful Beauty products by Cindy Crawford. I do have to say that my favorite product of theirs, that I have used most frequently is the new Ultra Lifting and Filling Treatment. I feel like as a busy mom, lacking in sleep lately, the lifting and filling treatment is exactly what I need.  It also helps me because the line of products is super convenient, the face cream includes SPF, antioxidants, and day creme all wrapped in one product. I feel like they were made for a busy mama like myself. I have become a little bit of a freak the past five years or so when it comes to letting my face get any sun.  It’s so funny because I used to love it when I was in high school, and now I do anything I can to avoid it. I want to preserve my skin as much as I can and keep that youthful feel in it as long as possible, and I think products such as these from Meaningful Beauty help to accomplish that same goal of healthy, cared for, and preserved skin. I highly recommend ya’ll to try them out! Happy Friday!
One of my followers will also win the entire Meaningful Beauty system, so stay tuned on my social media to see how to win! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! 

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