Arrow’s Big Boy Nursery Giveaway

We decided when we moved that we wanted to start fresh and redo the house how we had always really wanted.  When we got married almost 6 years ago we were dirt poor and had no money to spend on anything for a home. I’m not kidding when I say we had absolutely no money, I sometimes wonder how the heck we did things for the first few years we were married, but I wouldn’t trade those years for anything because we had so much fun and had each other. We have the most amazing family and friends, and we were given most all of the furniture that was in our home.  We had kept all that furniture for the past five years and we finally decided since we were moving we would pass it all down to someone else that needed it. I had some friends and families that were having babies and they needed my old baby stuff, so it worked perfectly.
I was approached by Oilo Studio right before we were about to move about helping design bedrooms for the boys, and I was thrilled! I knew it would be a perfect match.  It has been so much fun to be able to work with all of these companies (mostly Oilo), and come up with my dream nursery for my little Arrow.  I am so grateful for all of these companies that wanted to be involved and I couldn’t be more thrilled about how Arrow’s nursery turned out.
Now to make things even better these companies that are involved (including my store Cara Loren Shop) are giving away items from all their stores. This is probably one of the biggest giveaways I have ever held and I am so excited about it!! Make sure you check the list below and enter, you will not want to miss out!
*Enter giveaway at the bottom of post! 

Arrow’s Nursery Giveaway!

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