Cara Loren Shop

This day is a HUGE one for me….my Cara Loren clothing line is launching! I have worked on this line for so long and I am so excited to be sharing it with all of you.  I am always on the search for the perfect t-shirt and I knew I had to make my own to make it just right.  It has that cool, boyfriend style fit and is possibly the softest t-shirt you will ever wear.  This is no exaggeration when I say that I wear mine constantly.  Just as a little heads up, because I figured I would get asked this question often…I wear a size small in my t-shirts.  I made them so that you could have that boyfriend style fit without having to size up and have it be baggy and boxy.  It’s going to give you that boyfriend fit while staying feminine and flattering to your body. I also wanted to include a cool sweatshirt that is a piece you can wear over and over.  They are cozy and cool and something you can throw on for any occasion. For right now the line is super casual and cool and I really hope you all enjoy! Happy shopping and I hope you find some pieces you really love and some cute ones for the kiddos as well!
All of you are the reason I have been able to follow my dreams and now start this line and I am so grateful for that.  I seriously feel like I have the best followers ever and I couldn’t ask for anything more. 

Cara Loren sweatshirt
boots & glossy (loving these)
Louis Vuitton handbag

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