Good morning guys! Today is a beautiful day and I am so excited to give you a glimpse into the place where we get a lot of our work done day and in day out, that being our office! We had the opportunity to work with Joss & Main to design and put together our office and I am absolutely thrilled with the way it turned out. They have such a selection of great pieces at Joss & Main, ranging from rugs to sofas, and everything in between, and were fantastic to work with. I wanted to try something new and a little different with our office and took a gamble on this emerald velvet sofa, and gosh I am glad I did. I love the energy it gives the space and it so comfortable to sit on, if Brod and I are tired of sitting at the desk, we simply move to the sofa to get some work done. I also added the hanging chair to the mix and loved the way it compliments the space and provides a place to sit, but with a different style than the norm. Needless to say, I had such a blast choosing different pieces and bringing them all together to create our work/creative space. Brod and I have loved it as a place to go and focus our energy on getting work done, but also love it as a space to hang with the kiddos, read, and have some great conversations. I hope you enjoy taking a look and big thanks again to Joss & Main!
photos by Nicole Hill Gerulat
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Wow this is just so simple and beautiful! can you please come design my office? lol
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
Minyak Lintah Asli
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Hi Cara! Would you mind sharing your source for your antler chandelier?
Hello! Absolutely gorgeous space! Can you tell me the name/brand of this rug? I've been looking and can't find it anywhere. Thanks!