Good morning guys! I hope you all had a fantastic Labor Day weekend and are ready for the new week ahead. Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about my workout routine and hopefully answer some questions that I have been receiving. So, one of my biggest points of emphasis with my workout routine is to make sure that I am not doing the same exercises and same things each day. What I mean is that I do not do a “full-body” day everyday. I like to mix up the muscles that I workout and focus on each day. One day will be a focus on legs and butt, the next will be triceps, biceps, and chest, and the next back and shoulders. I like the specific focus on groups of muscles each day, and within each day’s workout I try to mix up the exercises I do and try new things. Don’t get me wrong there are certainly exercises that I repeat, but I am always on the hunt for new exercises and new ways to push my body outside of it’s comfort zone. I have also received a bunch of questions regarding how often I workout? I workout 6 days a week (resting on Sunday) for an hour each day. I usually workout first thing in the morning, but sometimes I will mix in an afternoon or evening session if that better suits my schedule. The key for me is being consistent each week and doing my best to be there each day! I hope this helps, I will continue to share more details regarding my workouts and workout routine. To me, working out is all about being as healthy as you can and building confidence. I know I feel better when I exercise and making it a part of my daily life has helped me so much with the energy I have each day. Thank you all for following and for your love and support! I love you all!
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