Good morning gang. So, if you have been following me on IG, you will have noticed that I love, love, love getting my nails done. I don’t know why but having a fun, new “mani” has become one of my favorite pastimes! So today, I thought I would share some of my favorite mani’s from the past year. I have to give my girl Kierstyn a shout out, she is the absolute best and has worked her magic on each of the nail designs below! I have linked her IG below so you can check out her work!! That’s all for today…we have a busy schedule on this hump day, I hope you all have a wonderful day!! I love you all!

most all nails by Kierstyn
Your nails are EVERYTHING! Obsessed with balls on pastel pink <3
I love all of the nail art! The eye is my favorite! xo ~ Megan The Fashionista Momma
omg the metallic nails !! love! Giving me some great ideas girlie
xo, Andrea //
These are so pretty. I love fun nails!
Kathrin | Polar Bear Style
Thanks for share your nail! I love it <3 <3 <3
tui zipper