Hello loves. It’s Tuesday and I am currently typing this from what can only be an igloo because the snowstorm that came through here was absolutely nuts. Seriously, I feel like our home got transported to the northern tundra of Alaska, or Greenland, or somewhere that is extremely cold and snow-covered. Ok so I am being a bit dramatic, but it really did seem like it snowed from sun up to sun down yesterday. So, the only way I know how to combat the weather is to beat it back with my wardrobe baby! I shared on IG the other day that Summer is for sure my favorite season in terms of weather, but Winter is hard to beat when it comes to the clothing. Take today’s jacket for instance, which has just launched over on caralorenshop, who wouldn’t want to put this beauty on. I fight the ice and snow and cold with what I wear…in this case, my jeans, jacket, and boots! I don’t know about you but I love the way this look turned out, it’s sort of a winter ski resort chic…if that’s a thing. As I mentioned above, the jacket (kind of the star of the look) can be found over on caralorenshop and is going to go quickly, so go get it while you can! Thank you for following and remember, if winter is getting you down, get back at it with your wardrobe!!

jacket | sweater | jeans | booties (currently on sale)