Hello loves. I am wishing each of you a very happy Monday and hope and pray that this post finds you in good spirits and health, excited and ready to attack and enjoy a new week of life! We had relaxing and quiet weekend around here at the VB household are feeling good and motivated for a new week.
Today’s post is all about the basics. The fundamentals. The grit. The foundation of a good look. Basics. If you don’t have the right mix of quality basics in your wardrobe then let me tell you this…you are in trouble. You need basics, as I mentioned in the title of this blog post, they are an absolute must. I am sporting 2 of the new basic tees that launched today over on caralorenshop and these are perfect examples of the types of basics you simply gots to have. Basics take pairing and creating a look to the next level. Why? Because they are so easy to pair and they provide the foundation to a look that, when there, now allows you to bring in more wild, flashy, unique, and not-so-basic pieces to your look to make it yours and make it work!! I have linked the tees below, go check them out before they are gone! I also showed two different but similar types of looks today, with varying pant choices, the same shoes, and a variety of ways to accessorize. I hope you dig what I am sharing and I hope that this post serves as a reminder to both women and men as to the importance and value of basics in a wardrobe. Have a great Monday ya’ll!! Much love.

look 1: top | pants | shoes | handbag | necklace

Obsessed with this haircut on you! <3
Blondie in the City
Can you please film a tutorial for the wavy hairstyle.
Right? I love this hairstyle. My hair is naturally curly but I don’t know what products or how I should style it. You should def do a tutorial on this!