Hello loves,
Happy Tuesday to each of you!! Ok so I have to tell you a quick story regarding our walk to dinner the other night. Here in beautiful Arizona, we decided one night to take a little stroll to dinner to a place recommended by the locals, a place known as Rustler’s Rooste. So we took off on this lil journey, these pics were captured at the start of our little walk, when all was right in the world and things were pleasant. Fast forward to 10 minutes after we took these pics and there we were…legit lost…on the wrong side of a crazy busy road, sweating, flustered, and starving. We finally caught sight of the restaurant perched atop what seemed like a mini mountain and started the trek towards it. Once we finally arrived, after dodging the speeding race cars and out of breath from the climb, we were then told that because we missed our reservation we would need to wait another half hour to be seated. Are you kidding me? It was turning into one of those nights…where everything seems to go wrong. Long story short, we finally were seated, just as our meal arrived, Echo took a giant poop that needed to be changed, and then she followed it up with a tired fit/tantrum due to the fact that we were now out much later than originally anticipated. So after all that, we ate what seemed like 3 bites of our meal and made the walk back to our hotel. Tired, exhausted, still hungry, sweaty, and frustrated…we somberly wandered back. And then came these words from our eldest Hanes, “man, I loved that place, their ‘basketti’ was so good!” Following these words came a quick shout from Arrow, ” yeah that place was fun!”
Fun? How? Were they not there in that mini hellish 2 hours with us? I looked over at Brod and we just laughed/smiled/almost cried. In the midst of all that chaos, the boys had somehow managed to have a fantastic time and thought it was the coolest place we had eaten all trip. Their little perspectives changed my entire perspective on the night. I am so thankful for my little dudes and the purity and innocence that they continue to bring into our world. It is such a reminder to me to focus on the good, even in the midst of a “bad” experience, and enjoy the moments that life brings with those I love most. So here is to all dinner adventures, I hope we have many, many more!! Also, quick note, this dress just launched over on caralorenshop and is fab, check it out!!!

Echo’s outfit | headband | Hanes’ shirt | boys shorts | Hanes’ shoes | Arrow’s shoes