Game…set…I forgot the rest…
Okay gang, today is all about sets. And no I don’t mean the tennis kind of sets or the lego kind of sets, I mean sets of clothing. Two pieces that go together and are meant to be worn together, and yet, ironically, don’t have to be worn together if you don’t want to.
This particular striped set might just be one of my favorite looks to date, and in my case, I prefer to wear the pieces of my set together, as one. Although, I do think in the future I will dabble a bit in wearing the top and bottom as separates as well. For now though, in the pics below, you see me wearing them as a set. And to say I like this look is an understatement…I absolutely adore it. The colors, stripes, fit, and class that this look brings to the table is what style is all about to me. It launches over on caralorenshop today and I am so proud to have these pieces as ones that are found at my shop!! Any who, enough of my jabbering, if you dig sets, and if you dig this one in particular, go get it now!! Wear it together, wear them separate, I really don’t mind…just love it like I do and wear it with a smile!! Thanks for all your support and thank you for following! I love you all!

Loving this look, so chic!
Anika |
Such a pretty set! You look beautiful! 🙂