Hey gang. Happy almost Tuesday to each of you. I hope this finds you happy and safe and washing your hands and staying home. I think I said this in my last blog post but I will say it again, we are living in crazy and unprecedented times, and they are sort of scary and confusing and weird. But, we can still choose to find the good in each day we have, and I really do believe, that eventually these times will pass! I keep thinking each morning that it is up to me to enjoy each day I have with those I love most and to make the most of the life we have. Even under these circumstance, I can still control my attitude, my choices, and my response to the circumstances. I love all of you and am so thankful, now more than ever, for your love and support in this space. I would love to hear how you are handling and enjoying and living during this quarantine. Sharing experiences helps us connect and inspire. Ok, I am done for today, but again, I love you and thank you for your love and support! Below are two new looks, details are linked and both tops are new from the shop this week. Happy Tuesday to each of you!!

look 1: sweatshirt | pants (same in denim) | booties | hat
That button-up shirt is really cute!