Just Splendid

Hey gang! I hope that this post finds you happy and well and loving life! Today I am so excited to be teaming up with Splendid to talk about spreading softness and good wherever and whenever you can. The initiative behind the #spreadsoftness campaign is to talk about those “soft spots” in our life, or to talk about what makes us a “softie?” For me, the soft spots in my life are definitely centered around my boys. I have such a soft spot in my heart for my little guys and for Brod, and I am so happy to have them in my life! Getting to hang with them each and everyday is the best thing ever, and I love just simply spending time together, no matter what we are doing. What are the “soft spots” in your life? Family? Friends? Memories you have made?

To me spreading softness goes hand in hand with spreading good and going about doing good wherever we can. One thing we have tried to teach our boys recently is the importance of remembering events or experiences that teach us or remind us of the good things in life. Ever since I have known Brod (8 years now) he has kept a little book that he writes his favorite quotes or little notes about experiences he wants to remember in. He doesn’t do it every day or even every week, but I will see him with it a few times a month and will notice him jotting down something in his little black notebook. It is a practice that I want to teach the boys because I think it is so important to reflect on and read about events/experiences that have had a positive impact on our lives, and also to read those words of wisdom that motivate us to do better. Obviously Hanes and Arrow are a little young to fully understand this, but Hanes thought it was pretty cool to get out his TMNT notebook and stickers and sit by dad, and do what dad was doing. What are some traditions or habits that you guys have to spread good or spread softness to the world or with your own families? I would love to hear about them.

Finally, as part of the kick-off of the #spreadsoftness campaign, Splendid is a running a GIVEAWAY so that you can win a pack of their exclusive “Soft tees for Softies” (Brod and I are wearing them in the photos – too cute!!) To enter – visit @SplendidLA on Instagram and click the pic of me and Arrow. The contest ends May 22nd, so be sure to enter ASAP! *link is here

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