My Little Fam

Hey ya’ll! It’s midweek and today is all about a little impromptu family pics! We left church on Sunday and decided to stop at our brother and sister’s place and snap some pictures in our Sunday best. I loved the way these turned out, I love my family so much and am so thankful to have them as mine forever. Sometimes life gets so busy and my mind gets weighed down by things are not important, all I have to do is look at these pictures and I remember what really matters and what life is all about. I had a ton of questions about this dress I am wearing, I love the kind of vintage/victorian vibe it gives and the fit is spot on. Check the link below for the details! Hope you all enjoy the pictures and I hope that you have a fantastic Wednesday! I love you all.

dress (currently 20% off)

Brody’s suit

Hanes’ outfit

Arrow’s outfit

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